Wednesday night blues (and reds)

There is something special in working with blue colours. They are so soothing. But I’m a Libra; an air sign. Blue is my favourite colour, after all.

Red is at the very bottom of my list (although, there was a short period, a few years ago, when I was crazy in love with it. It was a temporary madness and, fortunately, it was over before I did some serious damage to my wardrobe. I still don’t understand what happened). I think, however, that I found the tone of red I really like, at least when it comes to acrylics – fluorescent red, which you can see on the image 1 and 2. So vibrant, and so soft at the same time.

Blues and turquoises I know, but this particular shade of red was a nice surprise.

About jfkaufmann

Former editor, author of four books and visual artist.
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2 Responses to Wednesday night blues (and reds)

  1. JP McLean says:

    Red or blue, I see faces in a lot of your art. I find it fascinating.


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